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Wilton Del Thank you From the bottom of my heart I can never thank enough old friends and new, for the incredible support I have received from you all. Without your help I would not be getting through this. Del's brothers John Veall, Billy Johnson & Tim Phyall, close friends Jason Smith, Steve Pellow, Carlton Real and Stuart Croft. Amazing friends from SWASFT. Phil Forrester who tried so hard to get Del through his pain. My brothers Adrian & Andy and adopted brother Steve Small. My girls Amanda, Mandy, Sharon, Tracey, Michelle, Audrey & Kay. Our beautiful God-daughter Morwenna. Wayne Keen for always listening. John Westwood & the motorbike escort. Father Peter & Colin Grose for the wonderful Service. Jeremy Squibb for organising the music and band. Homecroft Surgery for their support. SRU at Treliske for being understanding, Jo & Jim from D&C Police, the amazing Coastguard teams of St Agnes, Portreath & St Ives, especially Paul Kimberley. PIC for allowing the car parking for the vigil. To everyone supporting 'Thinking of Del' and helping to raise money for Marie Curie Cancer Care (over £1100 so far) and to buy equipment for HM Coastguard. The events will start soon! My love and gratitude to you all xx Nel Wilton
Viewed by: 105 visitors. Uploaded: 10 years ago
Published in: Cornwall area.
Published from: October 16, 2013.
Region: South West
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